"Jawbreaker Edition", 2009. "Jawbreaker", 2009 Edition Block, Germany/ "Starter", 2010 ARTER, Istanbul, Turkey curated by René Block/ "Kismet", TANAS, Berlin, Germany curated by Kristine Nippe/ "Dream and Reality", 2011 Istanbul Modern, Istanbul, Turkey curated by Fatmagül Berktay, Levent Çalıkoğlu, Zeynep İnankur, and Burcu Pelvanoğlu/ "Multipliziern ist Menschlich: 45 Jahre Edition Block 1966 - 2011", 2011, Edition Block, Berlin, Germany/ "Fertile Crescent: Gender, Art, Society", 2012 Mason Gross Galleries, New Jersey, USA curated by Judie Brodsky and Ferris Olin/ "Rainproof Ideas & More Editions" 2014, Edition Block, Berlin, Germany/ "Ich kenne kein Weekend. Archive and Collection Réne Block", 2015, Neues Berliner Kunstvrein, Berlin, Germany curated by Marius Babias, co-curator Annelie Lütgens. Courtesy: Edition Block, Berlin, Germany/ Ebru Özseçen. ed.1/8 Vehbi Koç Contemporary Art Collection, Istanbul, Turkey.
The moment the ball was small enough to fit in to her mouth I stopped shooting, but not because her tongue started to bleed. One of the strongest compliments came from a (my favorite) museum Director, who said "I watch your beautiful face all afternoon." I kept my silence. His mind chose to complete the work with me. The blue room could be any background. The sound is important in the transformation of the round form of the Jawbreaker into a submissive fetish.
The mouth and the jawbreaker coexist and must move in and out of each other for breathing. As the performance proceeds, the sound becomes more and more intimate. I love to watch the members of the audience and see how they move to the sound and how they respond when they realize the source.*
*by Ebru Özseçen published in "The Fertile Crescent: Gender, Art, Society", edited by Judith K. Brodsky and Ferris Olin Rutgers University Press, p. 140-143, New Brunswick, NJ: catalogue, 2012.