"Tease Lane", 2007. "Cork Art Trial", "Slow Space Fast Pace" curated by Rana Öztürk.
Ebru Özseçen's work "Tease Lane", 2007 is a sculpture and light installation that consists of three stainless steel poles covered with chrome, situated in Widderlings Lane in Shandon accompanied by 3 lighting fixtures. A physical experience of private stage in the public realm is aimed for this project rather than a spectacle. The work is designated to question public versus private, inside versus outside, safety versus violence, rich versus poor. Poles signify an energy like the title of the show Slow Space Fast Pace. They are charged by movement and become active as a performative installation in the city where less favored and more dangerous go, pass, or live just for a short period of time. The work aims to change the aura of a architectural uncanny experience to a safe one.*
*"Tease Lane", 2007 published in "Slow Space Fast Pace" 2007 catalogue by Ebru Özseçen.
"Tease Lane", 2007. Stainless poles