"Beyoglu", 2001. "Regrets, Reveries, Changing Skies", 2001. Karsi Sanat Calismalari, Istanbul, Turkey curated by Fulya Erdemci
Having also an architectural background, Ebru Özseçen has created various projects related to architecture and urban space. Beyoglu, 2001 is a facade project which was designed for the historical building of the renowned Elhamra Passage in one of the liveliest cultural and entertainment centers of Istanbul. As it is consisted of fluid, voluptuous and gigantic forms in the same colour and texture of the building, applied on the banisters of balconies, it embedded a sensuous and reverie-like aura into the historical architecture of Elhamra Passage. Hence, she grants the passer-by such a perceptual experience that the dichotomies between public and private, Dream and reality, may be reconciled. * Furthermore, she designed a map, which also takes place in this book, to contextualize the Elhamra Passage on urban scale.
***excerpt is published in "Metropolitan Iconographies", "25th São Paulo Biennial" catalogue both Portuguese and English p. 110 on Ebru Özsecen's work "Beyoglu" written by Fulya Erdemci.
**excerpt is published in "Regrets, Reveries, Changing Skies" catalogue, both Turkish and English p.45 on Ebru Özsecen's work "Beyoglu" written by Fulya Erdemci.
"Beyoglu", 2001. Facade Installation. Over two thousand individual hand made pieces out of styrofoam and paint.